Thursday, 27 November 2008


Perched with guitar on knee and mug of tea in hand... was back to the original three, Denis, Myself (Andrew) and Eve. "Ah" we reflected "it had been a good year for Oh Dee Mhac One" lots of new musical adventures, playing live gigs to real audiences, (including the Delius cat!), hosting a successful Music Festival and a lovely song writing retreat in a Cumbrian cottage. "Oh" piped up one of us "Don't forget the recording of our own songs at the recording studio too". And more of the same we vowed in 2009.
Then there's the downsides, finding a drummer, losing a drummer, finding a drummer again, losing a drummer again. Hey Robert we miss you, but good luck anyway with your ventures.

...we sat a bit longer waiting for Michael to turn up, brother (mine) and lead guitarist, but again he did'nt. So the trio creatively jammed and practiced old favourites and new tunes- a good session, three friends satisfied with musical expression and content in each other's friendship.
Plans are a foot- new drummer in the offing (none other than Moreblessing), and perhaps a guest appearance from our lead guitarist.

...I feel the call of my guitar and as the good book says "if you spend too much time blogging and not enough time practicing- you'll be a crap guitarist"- Hmm, catch you all later.


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